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HomeiOS Developmentios - View discards and goes again to earlier NavigationView

ios – View discards and goes again to earlier NavigationView

For my small app I’m navigating from my touchdown web page to a QuestionListView the place every rows of checklist view navigates to a QuestionView. within the QuestionView I’ve mark button. if pressed the questions index is entered or deleted from markedQuestions array located in my EnvironmentObject questionManager.
now what occurs is each time I faucet on the mark button the QuestionView exits to the earlier view. listed below are the codes

struct QuestionsListView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var questionManager: QuestionManager
    var categoryName: String
    var listStart: Int
    var listEnd: Int
    var physique: some View {
        VStack {
            Textual content(categoryName)
                .body(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .main)
                .font(.system(dimension: 24, weight: .daring))
                .padding(EdgeInsets(prime: 5, main: 20, backside: 0, trailing: 0))
            HStack {
                ZStack {
                        .body(width: 50, peak: 50)
                        .foregroundColor(Coloration(crimson: 0.96, inexperienced: 0.74, blue: 0))
                .body(width: 80, peak: 80)
                ForEach(1 ... 3, id: .self) { _ in
            .padding(EdgeInsets(prime: 0, main: 20, backside: 0, trailing: 20))
            Checklist {
                ForEach(listStart ... listEnd, id: .self) { index in
                    ListButtonView(questionNumber: index+1, query: questionManager.questions[index].query, categoryName: categoryName).environmentObject(questionManager)
struct ListButtonView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var questionManager: QuestionManager
    var questionNumber: Int
    var query: String
    var categoryName: String
    var physique: some View {
        NavigationLink(vacation spot: QuestionView(
            isAnswered: questionManager.isAnswered,
            index: questionNumber-1, titleText: categoryName
        ).environmentObject(questionManager)) {
                    Textual content("Query (questionNumber)")
                        .body(maxWidth: .infinity,alignment: .main)
                    if questionManager.isQuestionMarked(index: questionNumber-1) {
                        Picture(systemName: "flag.fill")
                        .body(width: 10, peak: 10)
                        .foregroundColor(Coloration(crimson: 0.88, inexperienced: 0.26, blue: 0.18))
                Textual content(query)
                    .body(maxWidth: .infinity,alignment: .main)
        .onAppear {
            // Add print assertion right here to verify if NavigationLink is showing
            print("NavigationLink for Query (questionNumber) appeared.")
struct QuestionView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var questionManager : QuestionManager
    @State var isShowingImage = false
    @State var isAnswered : Bool
    @State var index : Int
    @State var isTranslated = false
    var titleText: String
    var physique: some View {
            //        MARK: Timer and different Informatins
            ZStack {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10.0)
                    .stroke(Coloration("BaseColor"),lineWidth: 1)
                    Textual content("20/33")
                    Textual content(titleText)
                .padding(.horizontal, 20.0)
            }.body(maxHeight: 50)
                .padding(.horizontal, 20)
            //        MARK: Query Card
                    GeometryReader { geometry in
                            .body(width: 10, peak: 10)
                            .padding(EdgeInsets(prime: 5, main: geometry.dimension.width - 15, backside: 0, trailing: 0))
                            .foregroundColor(Coloration(crimson: 0.88, inexperienced: 0.26, blue: 0.18))
                    //                    MARK: Translation and Mark Button
                    HStack {
                        Textual content("(questionManager.questions[index].id)")
                        Picture(systemName:isTranslated ?  "character.bubble.fill" : "character.bubble").onTapGesture {
                        MarkButtonView(index: index)

//                        Picture(systemName: questionManager.markedQuestions.accommodates(index) ? "flag.fill" : "flag").onTapGesture {
//                            print(questionManager.markedQuestions)
//                            questionManager.toggleMarkedQuestion(index: index-1)
//                        }
                    }.padding([.top, .leading, .trailing], 20.0)
                    //                    MARK: QUESTION AND IMAGE
                    HStack {
                        Textual content(isTranslated ? questionManager.questions[index].questionEng : questionManager.questions[index].query)
                            .padding(.main, 20.0)
                    if !(questionManager.questions[index].imageName == ""){
                        GeometryReader { geometry in
                                        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .match)
                                        .body(maxWidth: geometry.dimension.width)
                                        .padding([.leading, .bottom, .trailing], 20.0)
                               }.onTapGesture {
                            .sheet(isPresented: $isShowingImage) {
                                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .match)
            .body(peak: questionManager.questions[index].imageName == "" ? 200 : 400)
                .padding([.leading, .bottom, .trailing],20)
            //        MARK: Reply Choices
                        ForEach(questionManager.questions[index].solutions){reply in IndividualAnswer(isAnswered: $isAnswered, answerText: reply.textual content, isCorrect: reply.isCorrect)
                                .padding(.horizontal, 20)
            //            MARK: Subsequent and Earlier Buttons
                Picture(systemName: "")
                    .body(width: 80, peak: 50)
                    .onTapGesture{if index>0 {index -= 1}
                        isAnswered = false
                Picture(systemName: "")
                    .body(width: 80, peak: 50)
                        isAnswered = false
class QuestionManager : ObservableObject {
    var questions: [Question] = []
    var TestQuestions: [Question] = []
    var markedQuestions: [Int] {
            didSet {
                UserDefaults.commonplace.set(markedQuestions, forKey: "markedQuestions")
    @Printed var classes: [Category] = []
    var isAnswered = false
//    @State personal var isMarked: Bool{
//        didSet {
//                    isQuestionMarked(index: Int)
//                }
//    }
    @Printed var selectedState: String {
        didSet {
            print("Chosen state modified to: (selectedState)")
            UserDefaults.commonplace.set(selectedState, forKey: "SelectedState")
            updateCategories(for: selectedState)

    var bundesLands = [
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Baden-Württemberg", listStart: 300, listEnd: 309),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Bayern", listStart: 310, listEnd: 319),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Berlin", listStart: 320, listEnd: 329),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Brandenburg", listStart: 330, listEnd: 339),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Bremen", listStart: 340, listEnd: 349),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Hamburg", listStart: 350, listEnd: 359),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Hessen", listStart: 360, listEnd: 369),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", listStart: 370, listEnd: 379),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Niedersachsen", listStart: 380, listEnd: 389),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Nordrhein-Westfalen", listStart: 390, listEnd: 399),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Rheinland-Pfalz", listStart: 400, listEnd: 409),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Saarland", listStart: 410, listEnd: 419),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Sachsen", listStart: 420, listEnd: 429),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Sachsen-Anhalt", listStart: 430, listEnd: 439),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Schleswig-Holstein", listStart: 440, listEnd: 449),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Thüringen", listStart: 450, listEnd: 459)
    struct Class: Identifiable, Hashable {
        var id: UUID
        var categoryName : String
        var listStart : Int
        var listEnd : Int
//    MARK: this one initializes the json file at begin
    init() {
            // Retrieve the chosen state from UserDefaults, defaulting to "Baden-Württemberg" if not discovered
        self.selectedState = UserDefaults.commonplace.string(forKey: "SelectedState") ?? "Baden-Württemberg"
        self.markedQuestions = UserDefaults.commonplace.array(forKey: "markedQuestions") as? [Int] ?? []
        self.questions = load("questions.json")
            // Initialize classes based mostly on the chosen state
            updateCategories(for: selectedState)
//    MARK: Load perform that populate the questions Array with json knowledge
    func loadTestQuestions(){
        func getRandomQuestions(from vary: Vary<Int>, depend: Int) -> [Question] {
            let selectedQuestions = Array(questions[range].shuffled().prefix(depend))
            return selectedQuestions
        // Choose 10 random questions from the primary 100
        let firstHundredQuestions = getRandomQuestions(from: 0..<100, depend: 10)
        // Choose 10 random questions from the second 100
        let secondHundredQuestions = getRandomQuestions(from: 100..<200, depend: 10)
        // Choose 10 random questions from the third 100
        let thirdHundredQuestions = getRandomQuestions(from: 200..<300, depend: 10)
        // Choose 3 random questions from the remaining questions
        let remainingQuestions = getRandomQuestions(from: classes[3].listStart..<classes[3].listEnd, depend: 3)
        // Concatenate all chosen questions right into a single array
        let selectedQuestions = firstHundredQuestions + secondHundredQuestions + thirdHundredQuestions + remainingQuestions
        TestQuestions = selectedQuestions
    func load<T: Decodable>(_ filename: String) -> T {
        let knowledge: Information

        guard let file = Bundle.primary.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil)
            else {
                fatalError("Could not discover (filename) in primary bundle.")

        do {
            knowledge = strive Information(contentsOf: file)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not load (filename) from primary bundle:n(error)")

        do {
            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            return strive decoder.decode(T.self, from: knowledge)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not parse (filename) as (T.self):n(error)")
    func changeSelectedState(to newState: String) {
            guard{ $0.categoryName }).accommodates(newState) else {
                // Deal with the case the place newState is just not a sound state
            selectedState = newState
            // The didSet block of selectedState will deal with the remainder
        // Replace classes based mostly on the chosen state
        personal func updateCategories(for state: String) {
            classes = [
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Basic Laws", listStart: 0, listEnd: 99),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "Politics", listStart: 100, listEnd: 199),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: "History", listStart: 200, listEnd: 299),
                Category(id: UUID(), categoryName: state, listStart: bundesLands.first(where: { $0.categoryName == state })?.listStart ?? 0,
                         listEnd: bundesLands.first(where: { $0.categoryName == state })?.listEnd ?? 0)
                // Add more categories as needed
//    MARK: marked query replace perform, marked questions will save the ids
    func toggleMarkedQuestion(index: Int) {
        print("Toggling marked query at index: (index)")
            var markedSet = Set(markedQuestions)

            if markedSet.accommodates(index+1) {
                markedSet.take away(index+1)
            } else {

            markedQuestions = Array(markedSet)
//    checks an index if marked or not
    func isQuestionMarked(index: Int) -> Bool {
            return markedQuestions.accommodates(index)


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