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HomeiOS Developmentios - Lag on LazyVStack

ios – Lag on LazyVStack

I’ve to design an Discover web page with SwiftUI and this view has a highlight slider with another objects that every row contains some gadgets, so I’ve a VStack to scroll the Discover objects and every object has an HStack to scroll the gadgets for that object.

I additionally should implement pagination for the web page, so I’m compelled to make use of LazyVStack so as to add a Coloration.clear object on the finish of the Stack to request the following web page from the server.

so the issue is in scrolling the view I’ve a lag and it isn’t scrolling easily.

ZStack {
    ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: true) {
        VStack {
            if let spotLightItem = viewModel.exploreSections.filter({ $0.kind == .highlight}).first {
                ExploreSpotlightComponentView(sectionData: spotLightItem)
                    .body(peak: 576)
                LazyVStack {
                    ForEach(viewModel.exploreSections.sorted(by: { $0.precedence ?? 0 < $1.precedence ?? 0}), id: .title) { merchandise in
                        swap merchandise.kind {
                        case .categoryHorizontalLarge:
                            CategoryHorizontalLargeSectionView(sectionData: merchandise)
                        case .categoryHorizontalMedium:
                            CategoryHorizontalMediumSectionView(sectionData: merchandise)
                        case .categoryHorizontalSmall:
                            CategoryHorizontalSmallSectionView(sectionData: merchandise)
                        case .classes:
                            CategoriesComponentView(sectionData: merchandise)
                        case .map:
                            ExploreMapComponentView(sectionData: merchandise, showMapView: true)
                        case .marketing campaign:
                            CampaignSliderSectionView(sectionData: merchandise)
                                .body(peak: 150)
                    }//: FOREACH ITEMS
                    if viewModel.currentPageNumber < viewModel.metaDataLastpageNumber {
                        // LazyVStack (alignment: .middle, spacing: 0) {
                            .body(width: 20, peak: 20)
                            .onAppear {
                                viewModel.fetchData(nextPage: true, showLoader: false)
                            .body(peak: 20)
                        // }
                }//: LAZYVSTACK ITEMS
            } //: VSTACK EXPLORE ITEMS
                .padding(.backside, 50)
        Coloration(uiColor: .baseBackground)
    .onAppear {
        if !viewModel.didFinishSetup {

I learn one thing that it may be solved with Record and I’ve to exchange LazyVStack with Record, so modified the code with the next code, however I confronted two new issues with Record, not solely the Record gadgets do not fill total the cellular display, but additionally once I change the town, Record gadgets do not be up to date whereas the variable that I’m utilizing is a @Revealed variable.

VStack {
        Record(viewModel.exploreSections) { exploreSection in
            swap exploreSection.kind {
            case .highlight:
                    ExploreSpotlightComponentView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                        .body(peak: 576)
                        .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
            case .categoryHorizontalLarge:
                CategoryHorizontalLargeSectionView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                    .body(peak: 280)
                    .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
            case .categoryHorizontalMedium:
                CategoryHorizontalMediumSectionView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                    .body(peak: 176)
            case .categoryHorizontalSmall:
                CategoryHorizontalSmallSectionView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                    .body(peak: 150)
            case .classes:
                CategoriesComponentView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                    .body(peak: 298)
            case .map:
                ExploreMapComponentView(sectionData: exploreSection, showMapView: true)
                    .body(peak: 302)
                    .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
            case .marketing campaign:
                CampaignSliderSectionView(sectionData: exploreSection)
                    .body(peak: 150)
            .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
            .listRowInsets(.init(high: 0, main: 0, backside: 0, trailing: 0))
            Coloration(uiColor: .baseBackground)

        .id(viewModel.exploreSections.compactMap({ $ }))
.onAppear {
    if !viewModel.didFinishSetup {

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