Sunday, July 21, 2024
HomeiOS Developmentios - Community warning: "Connection has no native endpoint"

ios – Community warning: “Connection has no native endpoint”

I’ve a easy SwiftUI software that sends a URLRequest as proven within the code snippet under:

import SwiftUI  
struct GOGODemoApp: App {  
    var physique: some Scene {  
        WindowGroup {  
struct MyView: View {  
    var physique: some View {  
        Button("Click on") {  
            sendHTTPRequest(to: "") { code, err in  
                print("Completed, code: (code ?? -1), err: (String(describing: err))")  
func sendHTTPRequest(to urlString: String, completion: @escaping (Int?, Error?) -> Void) {  
    guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {  
        completion(nil, NSError(area: "InvalidURL", code: 0, userInfo: nil))  
    let process = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { _, resp, error in  
        if let httpResponse = resp as? HTTPURLResponse {  
            completion(httpResponse.statusCode, error)  
        } else {  
            completion(-1, error)  

Nevertheless, Xcode prints the next warning messages:

nw_connection_copy_connected_local_endpoint_block_invoke [C1] Connection has no native endpoint  
nw_connection_copy_connected_local_endpoint_block_invoke [C1] Connection has no native endpoint  
nw_connection_copy_connected_local_endpoint_block_invoke [C3] Connection has no native endpoint  
nw_connection_copy_connected_local_endpoint_block_invoke [C3] Connection has no native endpoint  
Completed, code: 200, err: nil

What does the warning ‘Connection has no native endpoint’ imply?

Thanks on your help!

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