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HomeiOS Developmentios - JSONDecoder Swift Error - Utilizing Generic varieties

ios – JSONDecoder Swift Error – Utilizing Generic varieties

I would like convert json string to an Object with generics kind in swift. tecnically i’ve a GenricResponse class and this class has a Generic propertie, on this propertie it might be the JsonWebToken class (JwtResponse). JwtResponse has 2 different clases (JwtDecode and Usuarios). when this system is attempting to transform the information to object i get the error message for the conversion: Didn’t decode response into the given kind

as i perceive the json is the same as the item construction: GenericResponse

that is my class GenericResponse

import Basis
import SwiftUI

class GenericResponse<T: Codable>: Codable {
    var message: String?;
    var response: String?;
    var information: T?;

JwtResponse class:

import Basis
import Swift

struct JwtResponse: Codable {
    var jwtEncode: String;
    var jwtDecode: JwtDecode;
    var usuario: Usuarios;

JwtDecode class:

import Basis
import SwiftUI

    class JwtDecode : Codable {
        var iat: Int;
        var iss: String;
        var nbf: Int;
        var exp: Int;
        var e-mail: String;
        var username: String;

class Usuarios:

import Basis
import Swift

class Usuarios: Codable {
    var usrs_id: Int?;
    var usrs_nombre: String?;
    var usrs_numero_asoiciado : Int?;
    var usrs_telefono : Int?;
    var usrs_sexo : Int?;
    var usrs_password: String?;
    var usrs_usuario: String?;
    var usrs_correo: String?;
    var usrs_activation: String?;
    var usrs_status: Int?;
    var usrs_status_active: Int?;
    var usrs_plantel: Int?;
    var usrs_psts_id: Int?;
    var usrs_imss: String?;
    var usrs_fecha_ingreso: String?;
    var usrs_plantel_residencia: Int?;
    var usrs_foja: String?;
    var usrs_tomo: String?;
    var usrs_licencia: String?;
    var usrs_direccion: String?;
    var usrs_reincorporacion: String?;
    var usrs_stsu_id: Int?;
    var usrs_tpsg_id: Int?;
    var usrs_curp: String?;
    var usrs_enc_password: String?;

that is the category and performance to get information from my webservice, the operate title is downloadData:

import Basis
import SwiftUI

class WebService {
    func downloadData<T: Codable>(_ dynamicType: T.Sort,fromURL: String) async -> GenericResponse<JwtResponse>? {
        do {
            var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: fromURL)!

            let queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "actividad", value: "AppLoginCode"),
                              URLQueryItem(name: "data", value: "{"email":"1","password":"pass_123"}")]

            urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems

            let url = urlComponents.url!
            //guard let url = URL(string: fromURL)?.appending(queryItems: queryItems) else { throw NetworkError.badUrl }
            let (information, response) = strive await URLSession.shared.information(from: url)
            guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { throw NetworkError.badResponse }
            guard response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300 else { throw NetworkError.badStatus }
            if let base64Decoded = Knowledge(base64Encoded: information.base64EncodedString(), choices: Knowledge.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
                .map({ String(information: $0, encoding: .utf8) }) {
                    // Convert again to a string
                    print("Decoded: (base64Decoded ?? "")")
            guard let decodedResponse = strive? JSONDecoder().decode(GenericResponse<JwtResponse>.self, from: information) else { throw NetworkError.failedToDecodeResponse }
            return decodedResponse
        } catch NetworkError.badUrl {
            print("There was an error creating the URL")
        } catch NetworkError.badResponse {
            print("Didn't get a legitimate response")
        } catch NetworkError.badStatus {
            print("Didn't get a 2xx standing code from the response")
        } catch NetworkError.failedToDecodeResponse {
            print("Didn't decode response into the given kind")
        } catch {
            print("An error occured downloading the information")
        return nil

that is my Observable to name downloadData:

class PostViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Printed var postData: GenericResponse<JwtResponse> = GenericResponse()
    func fetchData() async {
        guard let downloadedPosts: GenericResponse<JwtResponse> = await WebService().downloadData(JwtResponse.self,fromURL: "https://***********************.com/BackEnd/WsBackEnd.php") else {return}
        postData = downloadedPosts

as i remark, i decoded the webservice response after which i get the proper Json that i count on:

         "e-mail":"[email protected]",
         "usrs_nombre":"Eder Alexis",
         "usrs_correo":"[email protected]",

Supply hyperlink



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