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HomeiOS Developmentc++ - How one can embody Rewarded adverts to bind with Python...

c++ – How one can embody Rewarded adverts to bind with Python on iOS?

I’m at present making an attempt to create a cellular software with rewarded adverts and I battle with the code on XCode.

For now I’ve already built-in interstitial adverts and I want to adapt the code for rewarded adverts.

Right here is my present working code for interstitial adverts tailored from one thing discovered on Github:

UIView *gView;
UIViewController *gViewColtroller;

@interface adInterstitial : NSObject
/// The interstitial advert.
@property(nonatomic, sturdy) GADInterstitial *interstitial;
@property (sturdy, nonatomic) GADRequest *request;

@implementation adInterstitial

-(id)init {
    [self createAndLoadInterstitial];
    NSLog(@"adInterstitial init");
    return self;

- (void)createAndLoadInterstitial {
    self.interstitial = [[GADInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/4411468910"]; // check id
    UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
    UIViewController *rootViewController = window.rootViewController;
    self.interstitial.delegate = self;

    GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
    request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID, @"2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9a" ];
    [self.interstitial loadRequest:request];

- (void)interstitialWillDismissScreen:(GADInterstitial *)advert {
    //  Methodology for reloading the thing as a way to present adverts once more
    [self createAndLoadInterstitial];

- (void)InterstitialView {  // present interstitial ADS
    if (self.interstitial.isReady) {
        NSLog(@"Present interstitial ADS!");
        UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
        UIViewController *rootViewController = window.rootViewController;
        [self.interstitial presentFromRootViewController:rootViewController];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"interstitial Advert wasn't prepared");

And right here is my try with rewarded adverts:

@interface adRewarded : NSObject
/// The interstitial advert.
@property(nonatomic, sturdy) GADRewardedAd *rewarded;
@property (sturdy, nonatomic) GADRequest *request;

@implementation adRewarded

-(id)init {
    [self createAndLoadRewarded];
    NSLog(@"adRewarded init");
    return self;

- (void)createAndLoadRewarded {
    self.rewarded = [[GADRewardedAd alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/4411468910"]; // check id
    UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
    UIViewController *rootViewController = window.rootViewController;
    self.rewarded.delegate = self;

    GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
    request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID, @"2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9a" ];
    [self.rewarded loadRequest:request];

- (void)interstitialWillDismissScreen:(GADRewardedAd *)advert {
    //  Methodology for reloading the thing as a way to present adverts once more
    [self createAndLoadRewarded];

- (void)RewardedView {  // present interstitial ADS
    if (self.rewarded.isReady) {
        NSLog(@"Present rewarded ADS!");
        UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
        UIViewController *rootViewController = window.rootViewController;
        [self.rewarded presentFromRootViewController:rootViewController];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"rewarded Advert wasn't prepared");

And I get hold of an error on the road : self.rewarded.delegate = self;
The error is : Property 'delegate' not discovered on object of sort 'GADRewardedAd'

Only for data to begin the advert in Python I’m utilizing the next code:

from pyobjus import autoclass
current_ad = autoclass("adInterstitial").alloc().init()

I additionally tried to make use of the Google documentation to create a brand new model however I battle with the thing named ViewController.

Both I get this error if I simply copy paste the instance:
Can not discover interface declaration for ViewController; did you imply UIViewController

or I get this error if I exchange with UIViewController:

Can not synthesize weak property in file utilizing handbook reference counting

Would you please know resolve it ?

Thanks upfront!

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