My app makes use of hear for location modifications in Geolocation following the microsoft script examples. It really works advantageous on Home windows and Android however in IOS clicking the beginning listening button it crashes this system. Scorching reload additionally fails as soon as the app is put in so I am struggling to discover a strategy to debug. Any recommendation will probably be gratefully acquired.
public NavigationViewModel()
StartButtonClickedCommand = new Command(OnStartListening);
StopButtonClickedCommand = new Command(OnStopListening);
public async void OnStartListening()
MyBearing = "0";
MyCourse = "0";
Geolocation.LocationChanged += Geolocation_LocationChanged;
var request = new GeolocationListeningRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Excessive);
var success = await Geolocation.StartListeningForegroundAsync(request);
string standing = success
? "GPS listening"
: "Could not begin listening";
MyMessage = standing;
catch (Exception ex)
// Unable to start out listening for location modifications
MyMessage = "Unable to start out";
StartBtnColor = Colours.Purple;
StopBtnColor = Colours.White;
if (Compass.Default.IsSupported)
if (!Compass.Default.IsMonitoring)
// Activate compass
Compass.Default.ReadingChanged += Compass_ReadingChanged;
Compass.Default.Begin(SensorSpeed.UI, applyLowPassFilter: true);
MyMessage2 = "Compass began";
// Unable to start out listening for location modifications
MyMessage2 = "No Compass accessible";
if (Barometer.Default.IsSupported)
Barometer.Default.ReadingChanged += Barometer_ReadingChanged;
BarometerLabel = "NC";
public void Geolocation_failed(object sender, GeolocationListeningFailedEventArgs e)
MyMessage = e.Error.ToString();
public void Geolocation_LocationChanged(object sender, GeolocationLocationChangedEventArgs e)
// Course of e.Location to get the brand new location
var otherLocation = new Location();
otherLocation.Latitude = RequiredLat;
otherLocation.Longitude = RequiredLong;
var myLocation = e.Location;
Altitudelabel = $"{myLocation.Altitude:0} m";
AccuracyLabel = $"{myLocation.Accuracy:0} m";
GPSMyBearing = $"{myLocation.Course:0} ° ";
var distance = myLocation.CalculateDistance(otherLocation, DistanceUnits.Kilometers);
MyDistance = $"{distance:0.##} Km";
if (distance < 1)
MyDistance = $"{1000 * distance:0.##} m";
MyLongitude = $"{myLocation.Altitude:0} m ";
MyLongitude = $"{myLocation.Longitude:0.#####} ° ";
MyLatitude = $"{myLocation.Latitude:0.#####} ° ";
MySpeed = $"{((myLocation.Velocity) * 3.6):0.##} Km/h "; //Velocity is in m/s so x 3.6 to get Km/h
// CurrentPositionlabel.Textual content = $"I'm presently at Latitude {myLocation.Latitude} and Longitude {myLocation.Longitude}";
// Let's calculate the Bearing now
lat1 = myLocation.Latitude;
lat2 = otherLocation.Latitude;
long1 = myLocation.Longitude;
long2 = otherLocation.Longitude;
// convert to radians
lat1rads = lat1 * Math.PI / 180;
lat2rads = lat2 * Math.PI / 180;
deltalat = (lat1 - lat2) * Math.PI / 180;
long1rads = long1 * Math.PI / 180;
long2rads = long2 * Math.PI / 180;
deltalong = (long2 - long1) * Math.PI / 180;
x = Math.Sin(deltalong) * Math.Cos(lat2rads);
y = Math.Cos(lat1rads) * Math.Sin(lat2rads) - Math.Sin(lat1rads) * Math.Cos(lat2rads) * Math.Cos(deltalong);
angle = Math.Atan2(x, y);
MyBearing = $"{((angle / (Math.PI / 180)) + 360) % 360:0.##}"; // in levels
i = i + 1;
MyMessage3= $"GPS samples Rx {i}"; // testing the listening
public void OnStopListening()
Geolocation.LocationChanged -= Geolocation_LocationChanged;
MyMessage = "GPS Stopped";
catch (Exception ex)
MyMessage = "Cannot cease";
// Flip off compass
if (Compass.Default.IsSupported)
Compass.Default.ReadingChanged -= Compass_ReadingChanged;
MyMessage2 = "Compass Stopped";
if (Barometer.Default.IsSupported)
Compass.Default.ReadingChanged -= Compass_ReadingChanged;
MyMessage2 = "Compass Stopped";
StartBtnColor = Colours.White;
StopBtnColor = Colours.Purple;
non-public void Compass_ReadingChanged(object sender, CompassChangedEventArgs e)
// Replace UI Label with compass state
Mag1 = $"{e.Studying}";
MyCourse = Mag1.Substring(22,3);
non-public void Barometer_ReadingChanged(object sender, BarometerChangedEventArgs e)
// Replace UI Label with barometer state
Bar1 = $"Barometer: {e.Studying}";
BarometerLabel = Bar1.Substring(35, 4) + " mBar";