I am making an attempt to implement a lifecycle impact in Xamarin.Types, however am having hassle for the iOS model. For some cause, I can not seem to observe the window altering notification occasion. Under is my code:
public class CustomLifeCycleEffectRouter : PlatformEffect
non-public const NSKeyValueObservingOptions ObservingOptions = NSKeyValueObservingOptions.Preliminary | NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New;
UIView? _nativeView;
CustomLifeCycleEffect? _lifeCycleEffect;
IDisposable _isLoadedObserverDisposable;
protected override void OnAttached()
_lifeCycleEffect = Factor.Results.OfType<CustomLifeCycleEffect>().FirstOrDefault() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException($"The impact {nameof(CustomLifeCycleEffect)} cannot be null.");
_nativeView = Management ?? Container;
_isLoadedObserverDisposable = _nativeView?.AddObserver("window", ObservingOptions, isWindowAttachedObserver);
protected override void OnDetached()
non-public void isWindowAttachedObserver(NSObservedChange nsObservedChange)
if (_nativeView.Window != null)
I’m properly conscious that the Xamarin.Neighborhood Toolkit has an analogous impact, but it surely fires the occasion to early; I would like it to fireplace once I can navigate up the hiearchy to the basis mum or dad. Can anyone see an issue?